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So Many Ways to Help in Bloomington Normal!

As volunteers who perform home visits, we have the distinct privilege of learning about the many, many needs that our neighbors have. Food for the family, transportation to work, and stable employment are just a few. In some cases it only takes one life event, such as an employer cutting hours for a few months, to cause tremendous hardship. This is why we exist: to offer a helping hand at times when it’s most needed. 

Our volunteers work personally with our Friends in Need to offer comfort and pledge donated funds appropriately. We receive so many calls that many can’t be answered; we have many needs. There are so many ways that you can help.  Consider the following: 

Prayer.  Pray for those in need and for those in our ministry. Pray that we can continue to do God’s work in the way that He intends. 

Be Aware. Be aware of those in need around you every day. If you learn of such a person, please encourage them to contact us.

Volunteer. Do you have time and talent to share? Please call 309-585-1712 if you’re interested in learning more about this ministry.

Donate. There is no gift that is too small or too large. Donations can be made online, sent to St. Patrick Church of Merna, c/o SVDP, 1001 North Towanda Barnes Road, Bloomington, IL 61705, given online through St. Patrick’s online giving portal, or offered after mass there on the second Sunday of each month. You can even donate a vehicle, by calling 1-800-322-8284 or visiting  

Thank you for your consideration.

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